Last modified: February 12, 2021

Current Events


Professor Georg Nolte was elected judge at the International Court of Justice in The Hague on Thursday, November 12th 2020. For further information, please see the press releases of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Federal Foreign Office and the Humboldt University Berlin.


The United Nations International Law Commission (ILC) adopted "Conclusions" on second reading on 18 May 2018 on the topic "Subsequent agreements and subsequent practice in the interpretation of treaties" (Official Document of the United Nations, 11 May 2018). Professor Nolte has been the Special Rapporteur for this topic on the Commission.

The Swiss Federal Council and the Government of the Canton of Geneva have appointed Professor Nolte to the Foundation Board of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, also known as the Geneva Graduate Institute.


HU-Team is German National Champion and among top 8 internationally at Jessup Moot Court 2016/17

Furhter Information here.



Re-election of Professor Nolte as a member of the International Law Commission by the United Nations General Assembly


The United Nations General Assembly re-elected Professor Nolte as a member of the International Law Commission on Thursday, 3rd November 2016. With 167 out of 193 votes of UN member States, he received the second-highest number of votes among all 45 candidates.

The International Law Commission contributes to the development and codification of international law by preparing drafts of treaties and initiating studies on general questions of international law. This includes, for instance, the preparation of a Draft Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Humanity, studies on general questions concerning the immunity of State officials, the protection of the atmosphere, the formation and identification of customary international law and the protection of persons in the event of disasters.

The Commission is a subsidiary organ of the United Nations General Assembly and consists of 34 members representing all the regions of the world. Within the International Law Commission, Professor Nolte serves as Special Rapporteur on the topic “Subsequent Practice and Subsequent Agreements in Relation to the Interpretation of Treaties”.




Book Panel, 17 June 2016

As part of the ICON-S-Conference 2016 on "Borders, Otherness and Public Law", Prof. Dr. Georg Nolte and Dr. Helmut Aust hold a panel on the book "The Interpretation of International Law by Domestic Courts" (H.P. Aust, G. Nolte eds., OUP 2016). The book is presented by Prof. Dr. Andreas L. Paulus, Judge of the German Federal Constitutional Court.


Panel Discussion

(November 2015)

with Agnieszka Brugger, MdB Bündnis 90/Die Grünen; Hans-Joachim Falenski, Außenpolitischer Berater der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion; Prof Dr. Georg Nolte, HU Berlin; Prof. Dr. Heiko Sauer, Universität Bonn and chaired by Prof. Dr. Heike Krieger, FU Berlin, on "Aktuelle Aspekte des Parlamentsvorbehalts beim Auslandseinsatz deutscher Streitkräfte" on 10 November 2015, 18:30 h s.t., in the Senatssaal, main building of Humboldt University, Unter den Linden 6.

DFG Research Group „The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?“ Commences Its Work

(Oktober 2015)


Article in the "Semesterblick" by Humboldt-Universität Faculty of Law, Summer 2016

Further Information

Opening of the Wengler Library

(September 2015)

with speeches given by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Erik Jayme LL.M. (Berkeley), Universität Heidelberg; Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Georg Ress, Jacobs University Bremen; Prof. Dr. Christian Kohler, Europa-Institut der Universität des Saarlandes; Felix Lange, Doktorand, Humboldt University Berlin, on Thursday, 24 September 2015, 14:30 h s.t., in E 23, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.

Introductory Speech


Further Information


(September 2015)

Dr. John R. Morss, Deakin University Australia, gives a lecture on "The Psychology of International Law" on Monday, 7 September 2015, 13 h c.t. in room E 23, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(June 2015)

Professor Dr. Christian Tietje, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, gives a lecture on "Zum geplanten Investitionsschutz von TTIP und CETA" on Monday, 15 June 2015, 16 h c.t. in room E25, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.

Book Launch

(June 2015)

Book Launch of "Mestizo International Law - A Global Intellectual History 1842-1933" by Professor Arnulf Becker Lorca, Brown University (Visiting Faculty, International Relations Program), on Friday, 12. June 2015, 16 h c.t. in room 326, Bebelplatz 1, Law Faculty.


(May 2015)


Justice Antonio T. Carpio, Supreme Court Philippines, gives a lecture on "The South China Sea Dispute" on Thursday, 7 May 2015, 18 h c.t. in room 213, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(April 2015)

Professor Sienho Yee, Wuhan University, China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies, gives a lecture on "The South China Sea Arbitration (Philippines v. China)" on Monday, 27 April 2015, 16 h c.t. in room E25, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(April 2015)

Prof. Dr. Jochen A. Frowein, former director of MPI for International Law Heidelberg, gives a lecture on "Die Wirkung der EMRK auf die Verfassungsordungen der Mitgliedstaaten" on Monday, 13 April 2015, 16 h c.t. in room 213, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(February 2015)
Dr. Matthias Hartwig, MPI for International Law Heidelberg, gives a lecture on "Piraten - Staaten - Diplomaten: Völkerrechtliche Bewertung eines italienisch-indischen Streitfalls" on Monday, 2 February 2015, 10 h c.t. in room E 34, Bebelplatz 1, Law Faculty.


(January 2015)
Ambassador Keith Harper, U.S. Representative to the Human Rights Council, gives a lecture on "The Role of the International Community in Advancing Human Rights" on Monday, 12 January 2015, 16 h c.t. in the WHI Library (room 101), Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.



(December 2014)

Professor Marcelo Kohen, Graduate Institute Geneva, and Dr. Michael Waibel, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge, give a lecture on "The Continuing Question of the Malvinas/Falkland Islands" on Thursday, 4 December 2014, 16 h c.t. in lecture hall 2094 (first floor left), Unter den Linden 6, in the main building of the Humboldt-University.


(November 2014)

Professor Chaim Gans, Tel Aviv University, gives a lecture on "Owners, Plunderers, Competitors or Victims? - Justice in Israel/Palestine and the European/German Responsibility" on Monday, 24 November 2014, 18 h c.t. in lecture hall 213, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(April 2014)

Dr. Yukiko Takashiba, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, gives a lecture on "Whaling in the Antarctic - On the Judgement of the International Court of Justice" on Monday, 28 April 2014, 10-12 h in room E 25, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.



(October 2013)

Elizabeth Spicer, Assistant Commissioning Editor Law, Cambridge University Press, gives a lecture on "Getting Published Internationally in Academic Law Books" on Wednesday, 9 October 2013, 14-16h in Room 101 (Walter Hallstein-Bibliothek), Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(June 2013)

Professor Harold Hongju Koh, Yale University, Legal Adviser to the U.S. State Department from 2009-2013, gives a lecture on "The Obama Administration's Approach to International and National Security Law"

on Wednesday, 5 June 2013, 10 h c.t., in lecture hall 213, Law Faculty.


(April 2013)

Sir Michael Wood, Member of the UN International Law Commission and Principal Legal Adviser to the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 1999-2006, gives a lecture on "International law and the use of force. What happens in practice?" on Monday, 22 April 2013. 18 h c.t., in lecture hall 213, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(April 2013)

Dr. Adama Dieng, UN Special Advisor for the Prevention of Genocide, gives a lecture on "Genocide: Risk, Resilience and Responsibility" on Thursday, 18 April 2013, 16 h c.t. in lecture hall 213, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(January 2013)

Professor Lauri Mälksoo, University of Tartu, gives a lecture on "Völkerrechtstheorien im heutigen Rußland" on Thursday, 31 January 2013, 18 h c.t. in lecture hall 213, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(January 2013)

Professor Anne Peters, University of Basel/Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin, gives a lecture on "Catch-22 - Menschenrechtswidrige Umsetzung gezielter UN-Sanktionen: Zum EGMR-Urteil Nada v. Schweiz" on Wednesday, 23 January 2013, 18 h c.t., in lecture hall 213, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.



(June 2012)

Professor Paulo Borba Casella, Universidade de São Paulo, gives a lecture on "Völkerrecht zwischen Universalismus und Regionalismus - aus brasilianischer Sicht" on Monday, 04 June 2012, 18:00 c.t. in room 213, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(April 2012)

Professor Antony Anghie, University of Utah, gives a lecture on "Third World Approaches to International Law" on Monday, 30 April 2012, 10 h c.t., in room E 25, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(April 2012)

Professor Paulo Borba Casella, Universidade de São Paulo, gives a lecture on "Die BRICS – Element einer neuen Weltordnung?" on Monday, 16 April 2012, 10 h c.t., in room E 25, Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(March 2012)

Dr. Stefan Barriga, Deputy Permanent Representative, Mission of Liechtenstein to the UN, gives a lecture on "The crime of aggression - from Nuremberg to Kampala" on Friday, 16 March 2012, 14.00 h c.t.  in the Walter Hallstein-Bibliothek (Room 101, Unter den Linden 11, Law Faculty).

Book Launch

(March 2012)

Book Launch of "All the Missing Souls: A Personal History of the War Crimes Tribunals"by Professor David Scheffer (Northwestern University Illinois) on Thursday, 15 March 2012, 18.00 h c.t. in lecture hall 213 , Unter den Linden 9, Law Faculty.


(Februar 2012)

Forschungsseminar "Die Rezension als wissenschaftliche Form", 25. Februar 2012, 9–17 Uhr, Bibliothek des Walter Hallstein-Instituts (Raum 101, Unter den Linden 11, Juristische Fakultät).

Veranstalter: Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht, Europa- und Völkerrecht und Netzwerk Migrationsrecht – Verband von Wissenschaftler/innen und Praktiker/innen; Anmeldung bei Interesse:


(January 2012)

Dr. Ingo Venzke, LL.M. (London), Amsterdam Center for International Law, gives a lecture on "Über Wörter und Taten: Wie die Praxis der Interpretation das Völkerrecht schöpft" on Friday, 20 January 2012, 11.00 Uhr c.t., in the Walter Hallstein-Bibliothek (room 101, Unter den Linden 11, Law Faculty).

Book Launch

(January 2012)

Book Launch of "Complicity and the Law of State Responsibility"(Cambridge University Press 2011) by Dr Helmut Philipp Aust. Discussants: Professor Michael Byers (University of British Columbia, Vancouver), Dr Guido Hildner (Federal Foreign Office, Head of the Section for General International Law) and Professor Georg Nolte (HU Berlin). Chair: Visiting Professor Jürgen Bast (MPI Heidelberg/HU Berlin), Wednesday, 4 January 2012, 12 h c.t. (Room E 42, Bebelplatz 1, Law Faculty).




(October 2011)

Professor Mads Andenas and Dr. Eirik Bjorge, University Oslo, give a lecture on "Evolutive Interpretation of Generic Terms in National and International Law" on Friday, 21 October 2011, 14 h c.t., in the Walter Hallstein-Bibliothek (Raum 101, Unter den Linden 11).


(September 2011)

Nienke van Schaverbeke, Cambridge University Press, gives a lecture on "Getting Published Internationally in Academic Law Books and Journals" on Thursday, 15 September 2011, 15 h c.t., in the Walter Hallstein-Bibliothek (room 101, Unter den Linden 11).

Nienke van Schaverbeke is a Commissioning Editor for International Law at Cambridge University Press. She works with four other book commissioning editors (based in Cambridge and New York) who together commission textbooks, monographs and edited collections in a wide range of areas.

Jessup Information

On Wednesday, 22 June 2011, there will be an information for students considering to participate in the Jessup Moot Court Competition. Interested students are invited to come at 14.15 to room E 25.


(June 2011)

Salah Abdel Shafi, General Delegate of Palestine in Germany, gives a lecture on "Ist die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung noch realistisch? Die palästinensische Perspektive" on Monday, 27 June 2011, 18 h c.t. in lecture hall E 25, Unter den Linden 9.


(June 2011)

Emanuel Gross, Professor at Haifa University, gives a lecture on "The Struggle of Democracy against Terrorism - the Israeli way", on Monday, 6 June 2011, 18 h c.t. in lecture hall E 25, UL 9. Professor Gross has studied at Tel-Aviv University and gives courses at Haifa Universitysince 2008. His fields of expertise are among others Military Law, Law and Morality as well as Law and Terrorism.


(May 2011)

Professor Yasuaki Onuma, Meiji University Tokio gives a lecture on "An Intercivilizational Perspective on International Law", on Monday, 23 May 2011, 10 h c.t. in lecture hall 213 , UL 9.  He is  among others vice president of the Asian Society of International Law.

preliminary meeting

(Februar 2011)

On wednesday, 08 February 2011, there will be a preliminary meeting concerning next semester's seminar. Students who are interested in participating in the seminar are welcome. The meeting will start at 17.00h in room 326. The seminar will cover recent problems of public international law and of the law of the sea.



Jessup Team Final Rehearsal

(February 2010)

The Jessup Team of Humboldt University had a final public rehearsal on Friday, 19 February 2010, 10.30 h s.t., in room E 25 of the Faculty of Law. Judges were Professor Nolte and Oliver Fixson, Deputy Head of Division for Public International Law of the Federal Foreign Office.


Lloyd Cutler Distinguished Visitor Lecture

(September 2009)

Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and Lloyd Cutler Distinguished Visitor 2009 at the American Academy Berlin, gave a lecture on Monday, 21 September 2009, 15.00 hr c.t. in lecture theatre 213, Unter den Linden 9, 2nd floor. The subject of the lecture was: »Originalism as the Interpretive Philosophy Applicable to Constitutional Texts«. This event was hosted in cooperation with the American Academy Berlinand the Bibliotheksgesellschaft.


Lecture: 60 Years Basic Law

(June 2009)

Prof. Dr. Georg Nolte gave a lecture on Monday, 15 June 2009, 18.00 h c.t in the Kinosaal, Humboldt-University, Unter den Linden 6 on the subject »›To promote world peace‹ - The Basic Law and Public International Law«. This lecture was part of a cycle of lectures: 60 Jahre Grundgesetz - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit.

Jessup Team final rehearsal

(February 2009)

The Jessup-Team of Humboldt University had a final public rehearsal on Wednesday 18 February 2009, 17.00 h c.t. in the library of the Walter-Hallstein-Institute. Judges were Prof. Nolte and Dr. Christophe Eick, Head of Division for Public International Law iof the Federal Foreign Office.


Presentation on International Law

(January 2009)

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Stuby, University Bremen, gave a lecture on Tuesday 27 January 2009, 18.00 h c.t., in the Senatssaal of the Humboldt-University, Main Building, Unter den Linden 6. The subject of his lecture was: »From Chief Legal Adviser to Chief Witness - Friedrich Wilhem Gaus, Chief Legal Adviser of the German Foreign Office 1922-1943« [German title:»Vom Kronjuristen zum Kronzeugen- Friedrich Wilhelm Gaus (Leiter der Rechtsabteilung des Auswärtigen Amts von 1922 bis 1943) und der deutsche Angriffsverzicht von Versailles - über den Hitler-Stalin-Pakt bis Nürnberg«]. This lecture was organized in cooperation with the Federal Foreign Office.


Inaugural Lecture

(January 2009)

Prof. Dr. Georg Nolte gave his inaugural lecture on Monday 26 January 2009 at 18.00 c.t. in lecture theatre 2002, Main Building, Unter den Linden 6. The subject of his lecture was: »From World Peace to Human Security - On claim and performance of International Law«. This lecture was part of a cycle of lectures: Ringvorlesung »Strategien der Sicherheit - Kulturen des Risikos«


Inaugural Lloyd Cutler Distinguished Visitor Lecture

(December 2009)

Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and Lloyd Cutler Distinguished Visitor 2008 at the American Academy Berlin gave a lecture on Tuesday, 16 December 2009, 16.00 hr c.t. in the Senatatssaal, Unter den Linden 6, Main building. The subject of the lecture was: »The Use of Foreign Law, Three Problems«. This event was hosted in cooperation with the American Academy Berlinand the Bibliotheksgesellschaft.

Presentation on International Law

(November 2008)

On Thursday, 13 November 2008 at 18.00 c.t. Dr. Ingo Winkelmann, Head of Division for Law of the Sea in the Federal Foreign Office, gave a presentation in lecture theatre 2097 of the Humboldt-University, Main Buildung, Unter den Linden 6. The subject of his presentation was: »The Arctic: Is its legal order melting too?«


Panel Discussion

(October 2008)

The Chair for Public Law, Public International- and Europan Law hosted on Thursday, 16 October 2008 at 18.00 c.t. a panel discussion in the Senatssaal of the Humboldt-University, Main Building, Unter den Linden 6, on »Georgia and Kosovo: Which Role does International Law play?« Participants were Prof. Dr. Georg Nolte, Mr. Ruprecht Polenz, MdB, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the German Bundestag, Prof. Dr. Gerd Seidel and Prof. Dr. Christian Tomuschat.



(July 2008)

The Chair for Public Law, Public International- and Europan Law hosted on 11 July 2008 a colloquy on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the International Law Commission of the United Nations in cooperation with the Chair for Public Law, Public International and European Lawof the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. The theme of the colloquy was: »Peace Through Law - The Role of the International Law Commission«.

This colloquy was supported by:

Programme, ILC-Colloquy, 11 July 2008, Munich
List of Participants, ILC-Colloquy, 11 July 2008, Munich

Guest Lecture

(May 2008)

On 26 May 2008 Professor Ryszard Piotrowicz, Department of Law, Aberystwyth Universitygave a guest lecture on: »Fundamental Principles of International Humanitarian Law«
